Monday 28 October 2013

Resident Evil: Afterlife.......why oh why (Early Reviews)

Last night went with the flatmates to see RE: Afterlife, oh lets get this correct Resident Evil: Afterlife 3D!!!! my verdict...Utter Rubbish...there review done.........

 Ok I'll do it main problem with this film is the has none and it's so predictable. At one point I thought I was watching a travel programme and expecting a over voice to go "if you decide to splash out on a airplane flight you will see breathtaking views" rolls eyes, and then came my biggest problem with the film Bloody Matrix stunts, hate it. Ok when the Matrix came out it was refreshing and then came all those Hollywood films and every scene had a Matrix slow motion fight scene and then thank god it sort of died down, BUT NO in RE: Afterlife it's back and evey scene it's slow motion matrix clone fighting. I sat there going "I'm really bored now, is this Resident Evil or am'I watching a Matrix remake with zombies", It just made the film seem soooo slow and unintresting. 

As for the umbrella villain black outfit with black shades and slick back original, I got told that's how he looked in the series but his mannerisms and even the way he moved and even smirked was exactly like the Matrix's Agent Smith. I thought they would be more creative, although I did enjoy the bad ass big dude from RE 5, but alas that ended with me going "what the........" He get's shot god knows how many times and still walks get's blasted by Alice's shotgun and keeps moving, I was like hell yeah, and then suddenly when Alice fires the gun it dies so easily, even though the gun was fired before by Claire and it floored him but he still got up to kick ass......cliche!!!. 

As for the 3D what 3D!!!! it was just put there to make the film more expensive for us the movie goers, seeing the ridiculous prices we have to pay for a 3D film. They say by doing it it cracks down on it doesn't cos I've seen a bright spark put 3D glasses over the camera's lens and film the film perfectly, so thier argument is flawed!!! it a quick way to rip off the movie fans, using below standard 3D effect which are very few or far between and looked really amateurish and cheap. At one point I took my 3D glasses of to see if the film was actually in 3D it was but you could watch it with out the 3d glasses cos they did nothing to enhance the 3D experience, and if they were going for the Avatar route they failed on a epic scale.

The ending was so predictable and had me rolling my eyes, as if we didn't see that was going to happen. The Resident Evil fans may love this film and that's their point of view and I respect that, but for me I felt it was just a pointless cash in on a series that should of died out years it brings nothing new to the series and makes it look tired and dated. Please stop making every film in 3D, no wonder piracy is increasing who want's to pay the rip off prices to see a crap film??

There done so until next time.......enjoy and at the end of the day it's only a movie...which ripped me off..grumble grumble 

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