Sunday 27 October 2013

Room 237......more like a Pile of Conspiracy Faeces

*stares at the TV screen………..dribble slowly escaping my mouth to form a paddling pool of saliva on the floor* My god!!!! What the hell have I just watched…… fact wasted 1hr and 38 mins on????

The Documentary on the theories behind Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining”……..Room 237………Let’s get things clear I personally dislike Kubrick’s vision of “The Shining” and have always found it to be over hyped for what it is. On the plus side he did manage to capture the feeling of isolation and claustrophobia of being isolated in an out of season hotel. I digress back to Room 237 – I just could not believe my ears the amount of crap that was being dribbled forward, I do like a good conspiracy theory or a film urban myth, but this was……… can I put it……….out there with the fairies!

There are films out there which are very ambiguous in there meaning and different people take different theories and ideological means of what the film is trying to portray; an example of this is the 2009 Lars von Trier film “Antichrist”.  However, in Room 237 the “fanatical” fans are trying to find “secret” meaning to the film, is this justification of trying to make an overhyped film into something more meaningful and insightful?? I’ll give an example…..there is a type writer with an eagle on it…….oh it’s due the holocaust and Nazi Germany……..all this from a type writer?? My personal favourite was some woman who is totally convinced that a poster of a skier is actually………*cue drum roll*………..”A Minotaur”……..I kid you not. The man in the poster isn’t a man “wink wink” *conspiracy eye winks*……I looked and looked and as she started pointing out what she saw………..all I saw was a skier not a fucking Minotaur!! Was she on drugs??

Well if it’s not a man skiing well fuck knows what it is……and it’s certainly not a bloody Minotaur!

They point out that a chair disappears in one scene……it was there before but when we cut back it’s GONE!!!! Yeah it’s a little thing called “continuity error” all films have them……but in Kubrick’s “The Shining” it’s a secret message………urrrrrr no it’s an error. Another example of this is the scene when Danny is playing and a ball rolls to him and in the next scene he’s changed position so the carpet is at odds with the scene before………gasp it’s another “wink wink” secret message………….again it just a continuity error and perhaps the different angle gave a better shot visually, so there may have been justification for it.

Normally when something bores me or irritates me I turn it off……but for Room 237 I had to find out what other daft theories where out there……..the number 42 popped up a few times and that was again linked to Nazi Germany *roll eyes*..... Well…… all I can say if you like out there with the fairies film theories this will be right up your street, me on the other hand see it as a desperate attempted to make a film in my personal opinion “a film that is confusing due to the way it’s edited, a film that strays away from its source material that it removes the key points of the book……and it’s boring” into something with more depth and secrets from what I said above……….

I think I need a lay down and a hot drink just to clear my head……….then again there may be a secret meaning in what I had just said.

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