Sunday 27 October 2013

What Does the Keep and Howling V Rebirth have in common??? Part 2

Howling V:Rebirth

I've just realised I have made an error it's Howling V not Howling VI o..O...I do appologise for the lets start the review

The film starts with a full blown post massacre..... but the lighting and the acting was so wooden I thought I was watching a rehearsal to a period play I was half expecting someone to shout cut!!!...but no.....and thus starts the most annoying opening music the movie moves on into the modern day with the biggest host of stereotyped individuals I've ever seen :S.....the only character so far who is likeable is this Australian guy who provides a nice comedy element and coming out with one liners which had me laughing esp towards this snobbish woman by saying “Sorry I wouldn't what to lower my standards”!!!!! classic.....shame about the acting though. So the Count appears...and I looked and looked again and went “I know this actor”..... Philip Davis.....who was recently in ITV's Whitechapel series....who is a good solid British actor....but in this......hummmmmmm is all I'm going to say on this they make their way too the Castle, which I must admit was a good visual. The Castle looked dark and foreboding...passing through a remote village...oh it's set in Romania. Once arriving at the Castle the count introduces them to his servants, and says “They don't speak English”....and what happened next shows what Human behaviour is like, I've seen this on holiday (not Werewolves) You get some idiot who is determine to prove to everyone they are right and you are wrong mentality and will not believe they can't speak English by keep repeating the classic “Do you speak English????......(confused look of the person who can't understand).......English.......E...N...G..L..I..S...H???? you may of met these people...and you think “I'm so embarrassed” and save your dignity you go “I'm not with him/her”. As yet nothing really has happened.....the Stereotypes are put in a large lounge and are given drinks.....The Count grumbles something....and cue comedy line #2 someone says “How do we get back to the Hotel?”....the count turns with no expression on his face and says “On the Bus”....I cracked up laughing again, and suddenly realised I was meant to be watching a horror.....or was this a comedy horror.....anyway I digress back to the always get some one who is an expert in something in most films weather its Biochemistry, Zoology, meta physics of some sort or a degree in Bullshit....this film has a Historian who comes up with conspiracy theories and is suspicious of the Count and the castle......”WOW” what a mighty deduction....seeing that most Castles in the world have a long bloody history and dark secrets the previous owners tried to cover that's nothing new.....*Mark rolls his eyes*..then something strange happens....I get a case of deja vu......I've seen this set up and similar storyline........then the penny dropped “The Keep”!!!!! Horror sets in...the similarities as so hands started to sweat and a cold chill spread down my spine...... the similarities:

Howling V: set in Romania in a castle in the centre of a remote Romanian village
The Keep: set in a Keep in the centre of a remote Romanian village

Howling V: They get warned by the count not to go into certain parts of the castle
The Keep: The Keeper of the Keep warns the Nazi not to touch or stay in the keep

Howling V: something is hiding within the Castles secret chambers
The Keep: Something is sealed up within the Keep

….......and so on......and the Count's creepy and somewhat strange behaviour = evil going ons!!!!
The main problem with Howling V is the dialogue it's non inspiring and most of the time it's delivered in a monotonous way that doesn't really push the story along, but slows it down.....and how many times do they have to keep saying “Oh I'm going to look around?”...I'm convince it was said about 14 times or more, because of the limitations of the dialogue they throw in the classic cliché or He/she are not all what they seem????....ugggghhh.....and I like to note it's now roughly 20mins into the film and no Werewolf or death has occurred......getting the story plods on and we get treated to a pervy shadow watching a girl getting changed and what came forth from her mouth had me going “what the hell.....oh dear oh dear”....she hears a sound...sharply looks up...(quiet dramatic for a wooden actress)....and says “Can't you see I'm dressing in here, this is very rude”.....what the fuck!!!! who wrote that line it sounds like a 4year old wrote it, I've never heard anyone say that line in that way before......just goes to show the limitations of the script......moving on.....we see moving thing with heavy chains......noise Historian finds a human skull......come one it's now 26:08 and still no deaths.....hang on that's the same set piece but flipped around and lighted differently......the same doors but in a different angle...oh dear this doesn't bode well........At bloody last a Death.....then ruined by cheesy choir music..... So they notice people missing and the Count says “These walls are so thick no sound could penetrate them”....really cos the rest of the group later on can hear quiet well what's going on through the walls....the dialogue get even more cheesy and it becomes unbelievable......and in most horror films there is normally a nude scene and we get one here...sadly its just a back shot......Nudity in hot bath.....things might get a bit more interesting......uuummmm no they don't....deflated girl gets it.......Australian guy gets it (shame I found him quiet amusing)......the music is starting to grate on me a bit also getting sick of every time the werewolf appears the gay ass choir kicks in with the most cheesiest sound ever.

44:51 now seriously getting a bit bored of all the pointless waffle. The Count is determined to get into the bedroom and finds it hard to open this assuming heavy door....with the aid of three people manages to barge open the supposedly big door, cut to scene with door open and it's just a thin balsa wood door.......I'm seriously loosing interest with this film.......... Count finds the Labyrinth.....does he know more than he's letting on??? and the acting is becoming even more wooden!!!!.....then suddenly the film is starting to sound like the Greek mythology of Theseus and the they start chalking there way round.....and then split into small groups of two....good idea not. So we follow this one group and god this girl is really thick and does the whole old clique somebody is following us crap..but proceeds to give the audience a running commentary......(Silhouette of Werewolf).....Oh god leg it.... man legs it leaving woman to get eaten.......hahaha that did amuse me a bit.........then we leave the realm of Greek mythology and the film has become Evil dead!!!!! the fast moving “point of view” camera and groans which makes Evil Dead what it is.......and not forgetting that annoying choir now I was getting seriously bored so after 1hr of the film I decided I couldn't go on and called it a night!!! I never did get to see the Werewolf in its full glory...but from the pics it looks's not the worse film I've ever seen but it's main problem is the script/dialogue and the fact it's so slow that it's boring....which is a shame it could of been a fast paced film in the right hands...but I felt this wasn't a Howling film as it was so far removed from it's original source material! If the film was not under the Howling banner it may of been a interesting take on a Werewolf story......but sadly thats not the case......

Verdict: Some good visuals......a slow and tedious plot with stereotypical characters that you cannot warm to....takes a while before any deaths occur. Dialogue poor and uninspiring......Werewolf mainly seen in quick flashes and mainly silhouette.....which I though worked...less is good.....and the annoying choir music after every death made the film look cheesy.... Ok it's a low budget film and has taken a lot of influences from other horror films....but it's not a truly bad to have on in the background or watch as a curiosity.......and more importantly it may have it's flaws but at least it's plot made more sense than "The Keep"!!!!!..........with that said...........
...........until next time........I bid you farewell
Howling V:Rebirth
I've just realised I have made an error it's Howling V not Howling VI o..O...I do appologise for the lets start the review
The film starts with a full blown post massacre..... but the lighting and the acting was so wooden I thought I was watching a rehearsal to a period play I was half expecting someone to shout cut!!!...but no.....and thus starts the most annoying opening music the movie moves on into the modern day with the biggest host of stereotyped individuals I've ever seen :S.....the only character so far who is likeable is this Australian guy who provides a nice comedy element and coming out with one liners which had me laughing esp towards this snobbish woman by saying “Sorry I wouldn't what to lower my standards”!!!!! classic.....shame about the acting though. So the Count appears...and I looked and looked again and went “I know this actor”..... Philip Davis.....who was recently in ITV's Whitechapel series....who is a good solid British actor....but in this......hummmmmmm is all I'm going to say on this they make their way too the Castle, which I must admit was a good visual. The Castle looked dark and foreboding...passing through a remote village...oh it's set in Romania. Once arriving at the Castle the count introduces them to his servants, and says “They don't speak English”....and what happened next shows what Human behaviour is like, I've seen this on holiday (not Werewolves) You get some idiot who is determine to prove to everyone they are right and you are wrong mentality and will not believe they can't speak English by keep repeating the classic “Do you speak English????......(confused look of the person who can't understand).......English.......E...N...G..L..I..S...H???? you may of met these people...and you think “I'm so embarrassed” and save your dignity you go “I'm not with him/her”. As yet nothing really has happened.....the Stereotypes are put in a large lounge and are given drinks.....The Count grumbles something....and cue comedy line #2 someone says “How do we get back to the Hotel?”....the count turns with no expression on his face and says “On the Bus”....I cracked up laughing again, and suddenly realised I was meant to be watching a horror.....or was this a comedy horror.....anyway I digress back to the always get some one who is an expert in something in most films weather its Biochemistry, Zoology, meta physics of some sort or a degree in Bullshit....this film has a Historian who comes up with conspiracy theories and is suspicious of the Count and the castle......”WOW” what a mighty deduction....seeing that most Castles in the world have a long bloody history and dark secrets the previous owners tried to cover that's nothing new.....*Mark rolls his eyes*..then something strange happens....I get a case of deja vu......I've seen this set up and similar storyline........then the penny dropped “The Keep”!!!!! Horror sets in...the similarities as so hands started to sweat and a cold chill spread down my spine...... the similarities:

Howling V: set in Romania in a castle in the centre of a remote Romanian village
The Keep: set in a Keep in the centre of a remote Romanian village

Howling V: They get warned by the count not to go into certain parts of the castle
The Keep: The Keeper of the Keep warns the Nazi not to touch or stay in the keep

Howling V: something is hiding within the Castles secret chambers
The Keep: Something is sealed up within the Keep

.......and so on......and the Count's creepy and somewhat strange behaviour = evil going ons!!!!
The main problem with Howling V is the dialogue it's non inspiring and most of the time it's delivered in a monotonous way that doesn't really push the story along, but slows it down.....and how many times do they have to keep saying “Oh I'm going to look around?”...I'm convince it was said about 14 times or more, because of the limitations of the dialogue they throw in the classic cliché or He/she are not all what they seem????....ugggghhh.....and I like to note it's now roughly 20mins into the film and no Werewolf or death has occurred......getting the story plods on and we get treated to a pervy shadow watching a girl getting changed and what came forth from her mouth had me going “what the hell.....oh dear oh dear”....she hears a sound...sharply looks up...(quiet dramatic for a wooden actress)....and says “Can't you see I'm dressing in here, this is very rude”.....what the fuck!!!! who wrote that line it sounds like a 4year old wrote it, I've never heard anyone say that line in that way before......just goes to show the limitations of the script......moving on.....we see moving thing with heavy chains......noise Historian finds a human skull......come one it's now 26:08 and still no deaths.....hang on that's the same set piece but flipped around and lighted differently......the same doors but in a different angle...oh dear this doesn't bode well........At bloody last a Death.....then ruined by cheesy choir music..... So they notice people missing and the Count says “These walls are so thick no sound could penetrate them”....really cos the rest of the group later on can hear quiet well what's going on through the walls....the dialogue get even more cheesy and it becomes unbelievable......and in most horror films there is normally a nude scene and we get one here...sadly its just a back shot......Nudity in hot bath.....things might get a bit more interesting......uuummmm no they don't....deflated girl gets it.......Australian guy gets it (shame I found him quiet amusing)......the music is starting to grate on me a bit also getting sick of every time the werewolf appears the gay ass choir kicks in with the most cheesiest sound ever.

44:51 now seriously getting a bit bored of all the pointless waffle. The Count is determined to get into the bedroom and finds it hard to open this assuming heavy door....with the aid of three people manages to barge open the supposedly big door, cut to scene with door open and it's just a thin balsa wood door.......I'm seriously loosing interest with this film.......... Count finds the Labyrinth.....does he know more than he's letting on??? and the acting is becoming even more wooden!!!!.....then suddenly the film is starting to sound like the Greek mythology of Theseus and the they start chalking there way round.....and then split into small groups of two....good idea not. So we follow this one group and god this girl is really thick and does the whole old clique somebody is following us crap..but proceeds to give the audience a running commentary......(Silhouette of Werewolf).....Oh god leg it.... man legs it leaving woman to get eaten.......hahaha that did amuse me a bit.........then we leave the realm of Greek mythology and the film has become Evil dead!!!!! the fast moving “point of view” camera and groans which makes Evil Dead what it is.......and not forgetting that annoying choir now I was getting seriously bored so after 1hr of the film I decided I couldn't go on and called it a night!!! I never did get to see the Werewolf in its full glory...but from the pics it looks's not the worse film I've ever seen but it's main problem is the script/dialogue and the fact it's so slow that it's boring....which is a shame it could of been a fast paced film in the right hands...but I felt this wasn't a Howling film as it was so far removed from it's original source material! If the film was not under the Howling banner it may of been a interesting take on a Werewolf story......but sadly thats not the case......
Verdict: Some good visuals......a slow and tedious plot with stereotypical characters that you cannot warm to....takes a while before any deaths occur. Dialogue poor and uninspiring......Werewolf mainly seen in quick flashes and mainly silhouette.....which I though worked...less is good.....and the annoying choir music after every death made the film look cheesy.... Ok it's a low budget film and has taken a lot of influences from other horror films....but it's not a truly bad to have on in the background or watch as a curiosity.......and more importantly it may have it's flaws but at least it's plot made more sense than "The Keep"!!!!!..........with that said...........
...........until next time........I bid you farewell
- See more at:
Howling V:Rebirth
I've just realised I have made an error it's Howling V not Howling VI o..O...I do appologise for the lets start the review
The film starts with a full blown post massacre..... but the lighting and the acting was so wooden I thought I was watching a rehearsal to a period play I was half expecting someone to shout cut!!!...but no.....and thus starts the most annoying opening music the movie moves on into the modern day with the biggest host of stereotyped individuals I've ever seen :S.....the only character so far who is likeable is this Australian guy who provides a nice comedy element and coming out with one liners which had me laughing esp towards this snobbish woman by saying “Sorry I wouldn't what to lower my standards”!!!!! classic.....shame about the acting though. So the Count appears...and I looked and looked again and went “I know this actor”..... Philip Davis.....who was recently in ITV's Whitechapel series....who is a good solid British actor....but in this......hummmmmmm is all I'm going to say on this they make their way too the Castle, which I must admit was a good visual. The Castle looked dark and foreboding...passing through a remote village...oh it's set in Romania. Once arriving at the Castle the count introduces them to his servants, and says “They don't speak English”....and what happened next shows what Human behaviour is like, I've seen this on holiday (not Werewolves) You get some idiot who is determine to prove to everyone they are right and you are wrong mentality and will not believe they can't speak English by keep repeating the classic “Do you speak English????......(confused look of the person who can't understand).......English.......E...N...G..L..I..S...H???? you may of met these people...and you think “I'm so embarrassed” and save your dignity you go “I'm not with him/her”. As yet nothing really has happened.....the Stereotypes are put in a large lounge and are given drinks.....The Count grumbles something....and cue comedy line #2 someone says “How do we get back to the Hotel?”....the count turns with no expression on his face and says “On the Bus”....I cracked up laughing again, and suddenly realised I was meant to be watching a horror.....or was this a comedy horror.....anyway I digress back to the always get some one who is an expert in something in most films weather its Biochemistry, Zoology, meta physics of some sort or a degree in Bullshit....this film has a Historian who comes up with conspiracy theories and is suspicious of the Count and the castle......”WOW” what a mighty deduction....seeing that most Castles in the world have a long bloody history and dark secrets the previous owners tried to cover that's nothing new.....*Mark rolls his eyes*..then something strange happens....I get a case of deja vu......I've seen this set up and similar storyline........then the penny dropped “The Keep”!!!!! Horror sets in...the similarities as so hands started to sweat and a cold chill spread down my spine...... the similarities:

Howling V: set in Romania in a castle in the centre of a remote Romanian village
The Keep: set in a Keep in the centre of a remote Romanian village

Howling V: They get warned by the count not to go into certain parts of the castle
The Keep: The Keeper of the Keep warns the Nazi not to touch or stay in the keep

Howling V: something is hiding within the Castles secret chambers
The Keep: Something is sealed up within the Keep

.......and so on......and the Count's creepy and somewhat strange behaviour = evil going ons!!!!
The main problem with Howling V is the dialogue it's non inspiring and most of the time it's delivered in a monotonous way that doesn't really push the story along, but slows it down.....and how many times do they have to keep saying “Oh I'm going to look around?”...I'm convince it was said about 14 times or more, because of the limitations of the dialogue they throw in the classic cliché or He/she are not all what they seem????....ugggghhh.....and I like to note it's now roughly 20mins into the film and no Werewolf or death has occurred......getting the story plods on and we get treated to a pervy shadow watching a girl getting changed and what came forth from her mouth had me going “what the hell.....oh dear oh dear”....she hears a sound...sharply looks up...(quiet dramatic for a wooden actress)....and says “Can't you see I'm dressing in here, this is very rude”.....what the fuck!!!! who wrote that line it sounds like a 4year old wrote it, I've never heard anyone say that line in that way before......just goes to show the limitations of the script......moving on.....we see moving thing with heavy chains......noise Historian finds a human skull......come one it's now 26:08 and still no deaths.....hang on that's the same set piece but flipped around and lighted differently......the same doors but in a different angle...oh dear this doesn't bode well........At bloody last a Death.....then ruined by cheesy choir music..... So they notice people missing and the Count says “These walls are so thick no sound could penetrate them”....really cos the rest of the group later on can hear quiet well what's going on through the walls....the dialogue get even more cheesy and it becomes unbelievable......and in most horror films there is normally a nude scene and we get one here...sadly its just a back shot......Nudity in hot bath.....things might get a bit more interesting......uuummmm no they don't....deflated girl gets it.......Australian guy gets it (shame I found him quiet amusing)......the music is starting to grate on me a bit also getting sick of every time the werewolf appears the gay ass choir kicks in with the most cheesiest sound ever.

44:51 now seriously getting a bit bored of all the pointless waffle. The Count is determined to get into the bedroom and finds it hard to open this assuming heavy door....with the aid of three people manages to barge open the supposedly big door, cut to scene with door open and it's just a thin balsa wood door.......I'm seriously loosing interest with this film.......... Count finds the Labyrinth.....does he know more than he's letting on??? and the acting is becoming even more wooden!!!!.....then suddenly the film is starting to sound like the Greek mythology of Theseus and the they start chalking there way round.....and then split into small groups of two....good idea not. So we follow this one group and god this girl is really thick and does the whole old clique somebody is following us crap..but proceeds to give the audience a running commentary......(Silhouette of Werewolf).....Oh god leg it.... man legs it leaving woman to get eaten.......hahaha that did amuse me a bit.........then we leave the realm of Greek mythology and the film has become Evil dead!!!!! the fast moving “point of view” camera and groans which makes Evil Dead what it is.......and not forgetting that annoying choir now I was getting seriously bored so after 1hr of the film I decided I couldn't go on and called it a night!!! I never did get to see the Werewolf in its full glory...but from the pics it looks's not the worse film I've ever seen but it's main problem is the script/dialogue and the fact it's so slow that it's boring....which is a shame it could of been a fast paced film in the right hands...but I felt this wasn't a Howling film as it was so far removed from it's original source material! If the film was not under the Howling banner it may of been a interesting take on a Werewolf story......but sadly thats not the case......
Verdict: Some good visuals......a slow and tedious plot with stereotypical characters that you cannot warm to....takes a while before any deaths occur. Dialogue poor and uninspiring......Werewolf mainly seen in quick flashes and mainly silhouette.....which I though worked...less is good.....and the annoying choir music after every death made the film look cheesy.... Ok it's a low budget film and has taken a lot of influences from other horror films....but it's not a truly bad to have on in the background or watch as a curiosity.......and more importantly it may have it's flaws but at least it's plot made more sense than "The Keep"!!!!!..........with that said...........
...........until next time........I bid you farewell
- See more at:
Howling V:Rebirth
I've just realised I have made an error it's Howling V not Howling VI o..O...I do appologise for the lets start the review
The film starts with a full blown post massacre..... but the lighting and the acting was so wooden I thought I was watching a rehearsal to a period play I was half expecting someone to shout cut!!!...but no.....and thus starts the most annoying opening music the movie moves on into the modern day with the biggest host of stereotyped individuals I've ever seen :S.....the only character so far who is likeable is this Australian guy who provides a nice comedy element and coming out with one liners which had me laughing esp towards this snobbish woman by saying “Sorry I wouldn't what to lower my standards”!!!!! classic.....shame about the acting though. So the Count appears...and I looked and looked again and went “I know this actor”..... Philip Davis.....who was recently in ITV's Whitechapel series....who is a good solid British actor....but in this......hummmmmmm is all I'm going to say on this they make their way too the Castle, which I must admit was a good visual. The Castle looked dark and foreboding...passing through a remote village...oh it's set in Romania. Once arriving at the Castle the count introduces them to his servants, and says “They don't speak English”....and what happened next shows what Human behaviour is like, I've seen this on holiday (not Werewolves) You get some idiot who is determine to prove to everyone they are right and you are wrong mentality and will not believe they can't speak English by keep repeating the classic “Do you speak English????......(confused look of the person who can't understand).......English.......E...N...G..L..I..S...H???? you may of met these people...and you think “I'm so embarrassed” and save your dignity you go “I'm not with him/her”. As yet nothing really has happened.....the Stereotypes are put in a large lounge and are given drinks.....The Count grumbles something....and cue comedy line #2 someone says “How do we get back to the Hotel?”....the count turns with no expression on his face and says “On the Bus”....I cracked up laughing again, and suddenly realised I was meant to be watching a horror.....or was this a comedy horror.....anyway I digress back to the always get some one who is an expert in something in most films weather its Biochemistry, Zoology, meta physics of some sort or a degree in Bullshit....this film has a Historian who comes up with conspiracy theories and is suspicious of the Count and the castle......”WOW” what a mighty deduction....seeing that most Castles in the world have a long bloody history and dark secrets the previous owners tried to cover that's nothing new.....*Mark rolls his eyes*..then something strange happens....I get a case of deja vu......I've seen this set up and similar storyline........then the penny dropped “The Keep”!!!!! Horror sets in...the similarities as so hands started to sweat and a cold chill spread down my spine...... the similarities:

Howling V: set in Romania in a castle in the centre of a remote Romanian village
The Keep: set in a Keep in the centre of a remote Romanian village

Howling V: They get warned by the count not to go into certain parts of the castle
The Keep: The Keeper of the Keep warns the Nazi not to touch or stay in the keep

Howling V: something is hiding within the Castles secret chambers
The Keep: Something is sealed up within the Keep

.......and so on......and the Count's creepy and somewhat strange behaviour = evil going ons!!!!
The main problem with Howling V is the dialogue it's non inspiring and most of the time it's delivered in a monotonous way that doesn't really push the story along, but slows it down.....and how many times do they have to keep saying “Oh I'm going to look around?”...I'm convince it was said about 14 times or more, because of the limitations of the dialogue they throw in the classic cliché or He/she are not all what they seem????....ugggghhh.....and I like to note it's now roughly 20mins into the film and no Werewolf or death has occurred......getting the story plods on and we get treated to a pervy shadow watching a girl getting changed and what came forth from her mouth had me going “what the hell.....oh dear oh dear”....she hears a sound...sharply looks up...(quiet dramatic for a wooden actress)....and says “Can't you see I'm dressing in here, this is very rude”.....what the fuck!!!! who wrote that line it sounds like a 4year old wrote it, I've never heard anyone say that line in that way before......just goes to show the limitations of the script......moving on.....we see moving thing with heavy chains......noise Historian finds a human skull......come one it's now 26:08 and still no deaths.....hang on that's the same set piece but flipped around and lighted differently......the same doors but in a different angle...oh dear this doesn't bode well........At bloody last a Death.....then ruined by cheesy choir music..... So they notice people missing and the Count says “These walls are so thick no sound could penetrate them”....really cos the rest of the group later on can hear quiet well what's going on through the walls....the dialogue get even more cheesy and it becomes unbelievable......and in most horror films there is normally a nude scene and we get one here...sadly its just a back shot......Nudity in hot bath.....things might get a bit more interesting......uuummmm no they don't....deflated girl gets it.......Australian guy gets it (shame I found him quiet amusing)......the music is starting to grate on me a bit also getting sick of every time the werewolf appears the gay ass choir kicks in with the most cheesiest sound ever.

44:51 now seriously getting a bit bored of all the pointless waffle. The Count is determined to get into the bedroom and finds it hard to open this assuming heavy door....with the aid of three people manages to barge open the supposedly big door, cut to scene with door open and it's just a thin balsa wood door.......I'm seriously loosing interest with this film.......... Count finds the Labyrinth.....does he know more than he's letting on??? and the acting is becoming even more wooden!!!!.....then suddenly the film is starting to sound like the Greek mythology of Theseus and the they start chalking there way round.....and then split into small groups of two....good idea not. So we follow this one group and god this girl is really thick and does the whole old clique somebody is following us crap..but proceeds to give the audience a running commentary......(Silhouette of Werewolf).....Oh god leg it.... man legs it leaving woman to get eaten.......hahaha that did amuse me a bit.........then we leave the realm of Greek mythology and the film has become Evil dead!!!!! the fast moving “point of view” camera and groans which makes Evil Dead what it is.......and not forgetting that annoying choir now I was getting seriously bored so after 1hr of the film I decided I couldn't go on and called it a night!!! I never did get to see the Werewolf in its full glory...but from the pics it looks's not the worse film I've ever seen but it's main problem is the script/dialogue and the fact it's so slow that it's boring....which is a shame it could of been a fast paced film in the right hands...but I felt this wasn't a Howling film as it was so far removed from it's original source material! If the film was not under the Howling banner it may of been a interesting take on a Werewolf story......but sadly thats not the case......
Verdict: Some good visuals......a slow and tedious plot with stereotypical characters that you cannot warm to....takes a while before any deaths occur. Dialogue poor and uninspiring......Werewolf mainly seen in quick flashes and mainly silhouette.....which I though worked...less is good.....and the annoying choir music after every death made the film look cheesy.... Ok it's a low budget film and has taken a lot of influences from other horror films....but it's not a truly bad to have on in the background or watch as a curiosity.......and more importantly it may have it's flaws but at least it's plot made more sense than "The Keep"!!!!!..........with that said...........
...........until next time........I bid you farewell
- See more at:

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