Sunday 27 October 2013

What Does the Keep and Howling VI Rebirth have in common??? Part 1

So I start with the keep....*shudder* I've heard a lot about how bad this film is, but hey I'm open minded and will watch anything once just to see if it's a forgotten gem.......thankfully "The Keep" is not a fact a piece of coal has more redeeming features than this.......this........whatever this thing I have just subjected my eyes too. So onto the review
Open to cheesy music......nice scenery  as the Germans come into town...... well its more of a remote Romanian village. The film has my interest so far, barring the awful music it classes with the visuals....uggghh, but I can tolerate back to the plot (if you can call it that)  the Nazis are warned about not touching the silver crosses...etc....etc... and what do the greedy buggers do...whilst on night watch the go tampering with the protective crosses and what happened next had me wetting myself with laughing at the slow motion running and silhouettes of those two Nazis which reminded me of "Only Fools and Horses" Batman Sketch!!! and suddenly all hell breaks loose.....but then I lost the plot???.....It had me rewinding it and re-watching, had I fallen asleep.... one minute there were 2 dead Germans suddenly it's jumped to Greece with a man with glowing eyes and then were suddenly back in Romania and 5 are now dead!!!! what the hell I've even just fallen into a wormhole or something???? Exist stage right and enters Ian Mckellen as an old man.....I wasn't impressed with the pseudo old man make up, but this is an old movie so I let it go...then all off a sudden it cuts to the Man with the glowing eyes turning up in bright daylight and one quick flash of those eyes at the German sentries it magically night time??? I'm seriously confused??.....but it's so bad I'm just dumbstrucked.....I had to watch it to the end.  As for Ian Mckellen daughter it's ment to be 1940's and she sports a fetching 1980's poodle perm???? which was really starting to grate on me.
cue smoke cloud = exploding heads, smoke monster now has red bits and saves Jewish girl and takes her back to dying daddy.....Ian Mckellen not impressed and gets a bit lippy and is bitched slapped by the "Red Hand of Doom" thus regenerating him to a younger and healthier self. So the Jewish girl gets out of The Keep and bumps into Mr “Glowy” Eyes and he's just interesting to get into her knickers coming out with the cheesiest catch line that is up there with Shark Attack 3 Megladon "Yeah, me too. But you know I'm really wired. What do you say I... take you home and eat your pussy" (Shark Attack 3) it's as bad as that.......Then we are treated to synchronised sex dancing with awful annoying music......oh my god this is getting to artsy for me. He obviously has little conversation and decides to shut up the Jewish girl with one touch of his the way who the hell is this guy anyway it's not explained or explained why his eyes glow???? this is starting to annoy me.
What the hell!!! what's that priest's problem one minute he's best friends with Ian Mckellen character and now he's telling Ian Mckellen to burn in hell as a heretic......I'm lost have I missed an entire scene again.....this does'nt add up.....this film is starting to fuck up my head!!!! By this point I started to have random thoughts of daftness and when the monster appears to the Jewish girl, the first thought in my head was “he just wanted your fanny” also that 80's perm was getting way too much.....and it never seemed to have a hair out of place....... The "Nice" Nazi is killed by the SS Officer, shame he was a interesting character and I liked how he took the piss out of the SS Officer.....SS Officer is now Deleted.........
Suddenly Mr “Glowy” eyes becomes He Man!!!! and behold his sword becomes the ultimate Light sabre I'll be damned!!!!! and suddenly the film ends!!!!! just ends no explanation...nothing.....the end.....cue music???? I was speechless........I stared at the screen in mute silence.......trying to comprehend what had just happened o..O
The Keep would of been an interesting film if it was done properly and had some interesting concepts...but what it turned out to be a mess of a film, totally incoherent and seems to be missing large portions of scenes making the film not make any sense and seems to jump around in a random manner that the viewer is totally lost and confused. I read somewhere that the original was 3 and half hours this is true or just a movie urban myth just to justify and pass the blame for creating a big steaming pile of shit onto the distributor I don't know. I think I need to dust down my attic hardback copy of “The Keep” and see if it makes more sense than the crap I have just had to enjour.  How can this film (I use that term loosely) have a “cult following”..the mind boggles..........

VERDICT: as for “The Keep” I wouldn't piss on it if it was on fire or recommend it to my worse enemy...."The Keep" is definitely not a first date movie to watch!!!!!! your relationship will be over before it's even started....!!!!

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