I've just
finished watching a few video reviews on youtube and noticed a reoccurring
theme appearing......anyone who doesn't like Stanley Kubrick version of
"The Shining" is bombarded by hostility by so called "fans"
of the film. Here are a few examples of comments left.....
that (and the fact the Shining is at number 1) you have my respects as a horror
fan, if it wasn't number 1 you have no taste in horror films what so
suck your gay your retarded for not liking this movie!"
Words of Wisdom: Best-Fucking-Movie-Ever....so fucking deal with it!!!"
and it
goes on, ironically these are just the tame ones some comments go on to be
quite personal towards the reviewer which results in mass blocking or comment
section being disabled!!! When the reviewer and other like people start
highlighting the inconsistency in the film and the way Stanley Kubrick's has a
very confusing direction in filming....they get blasted by so called
"Fans" with more insults or they start making shit up about secret
messages and Numerology and other dribble to justify the poor direction the
film took. It also amused me that most “Fans” cited just because Jack Nicholson
was in the film made the movie amazing......wow what logic...I wonder if they
feel the same about “Wolf”??. I've watched the Stanley Kubrick's “The Shining”
quite a few times and it just doesn't make sense....it jumps around and I just got
lost on what the hell was happening. It put me off reading the book for a very
long time, until the “Made for TV” version came out and I was expecting the
same confusing mess of the original but just extended...and I was very
surprised....OK it doesn't have the gloss of the Hollywood movie but more
importantly it make sense!!!! and I understood why things were
happening..unlike the original “The Shining”.
I know
some people will disagree with what I say about the film, and that's fine but
why the need for the hostility and the threatening behaviour, or the attitude of
"if you don't like Stanley Kubrick's version you have no right to call
yourself a “Horror Fan”!!!"....wow their logic just astounds me. I love
the “Friday the 13th” series (well parts 1-6), and I did enjoy Part 5
which a lot of people hate...but I don't go on a blood rampage just because
some people dislike it...it's their opinion and they have their reasons......
conclusion I personally think Stanley Kubrick's “The Shining” is “over hyped”
and not at all scary and is a confusing mess visually and story wise with large
elements missing from the Book which would of made the film make a lot more
sense....but I do agree Kubrick created a dark brooding atmosphere and a
feeling of isolation....The TV version follows the Book a lot more closely..but
sadly didn't have the dark brooding atmosphere and the isolation...shame. If
you could combine the two I think you would have an amazing film...Maybe they
should do a new film adaptation of “The Shining” seeing that a lot of films are
being split up into 2 parts, it would work....I mean “1408” had the dark
brooding atmosphere and the themes of isolation and imprisonment.... and it
worked....Just a thought.
Have any
of you encountered these So called “Fans”??? and if you are one of them why the
hostility..it's only a film at the end of the day and you can't expect everyone
to like the same films as you........Enough Said!!!
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